Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. (scratch my last last post)
  2. Rose:-Goes to Kane and tickles his neck- Kane sweetie time to go to school.
  3. Lily:-closes eyes and levitates a little higher-

    Alex:-sitting in shadows watching everyone-
  4. Kane: -wakes up-I'm 900 years old I don't go to school
  5. Rose:-grins- I know but your awake. Now for the last one. Blake.
  6. Kane: wake him up and he will surely kill you
  7. Rose:-Goes to Blake's cabin.Gently nudges Blake.- Blake wake up.
  8. Blake: -still knocked out-
  9. Rose: -rocks him at little harder- Blake.
  10. Blake: touch me again and I will kill you-goes back to sleeping-
  11. Rose: Blake come on I already woke even one else up. Why are you the only grouch one.
  12. Blake: because I just came from a difficult training-not opening eyes-
  13. Rose: Can you at least open your etes please for me. I brought you a cookie
  14. *EYES blahh I can't spell
  15. Blake: I'm a vampire not a human
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