Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Drake blue: what? *talks with a depressed tone and there is a gun near him
  2. (ugh why you have to make it so hard)
  3. (she put a ring of fire around dante I forgot to specify)
  4. (I didn't know it was gonna be hard )
  5. Amanda:pushes Julia out, outs the door back up and sighs. Then takes the gun and throws it outside.- About, what just happened.....
  6. Rose:-Wakes up Dante.Screams in his ear- WAKE UP!!!
  7. Drake: hey that was a nice gun...
  8. Dante: motherfucking bitches your gonna make me deaf or burn me
    (Dante is easily annoy)
  9. Amanda:-sits on his bed- Yeah, and your depressed. Guns and depression equals bad aftermath.
  10. Drake: kinda the idea
  11. Rose:-finds the gun and puts it in her pocket.- This might come in handy.
  12. Amanda:pulls him down so he's sitting next to her.-
  13. Rose: -shrugs- At least there not dead. No to wake up the others.
  14. Dante: wake up Kane first he isn't troublesome web woken up then go to Zane then Hunter and finally Blake it's just a suggestion
  15. Rose:-goes to cafeteria and shoots some rounds that are loud enough to wake Zane and Hunter up.- WAKE UP!!!
  16. Lily:-smiles- then we wake you up?
  17. Zane and Hunter: -wakes up-your gonna us bitch
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