Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Rose: -goes to Drake's Cabin. Knocks.-
  2. (Oh god)
  3. Drake blue: *doesnt answer the locked door and continues to sob
  4. Rose: Is it that bad?
  5. Amanda:-feles horrible and goes and knocks on his door./
  6. Drake blue: *finally stands up and makes himself a sandwich in a depressed manner obviously on the verge of tears
  7. Drake blue: *still refusing to answer his locked door
  8. Rose:He won't open it.
  9. Amanda: Drake? I need to talk to you.
  10. Lily:-levitating and watching them-
  11. Rose: DB open up Amanda wants to talk.
  12. Drake blue: *cant hear anything over the blues music he has in his earbuds
  13. (someone needs to wake my 5 characters they are still knocked out)
  14. Rose: -Walks over to the five- Come on guys. Wake up.
  15. Julia: *roars and runs to the door knocking it down and knocking herself out in the process

    Drake blue: *turns around
  16. Lily:-makes a fire ring go around them-
  17. Rose:pours bucket of cold water on them- WAKE UP!!!
  18. Amanda:-looks at Julia then steps into the cabin- Ummm Drake, I need to talk to you.
  19. (rose they are all at different places Blake is at his cabin,Zane and Hunter at the cafeteria,Kane on a tree and Dante knocked out on the ground)
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