Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Amanda:-thinks- How far can I kick her from here? -sighs-
  2. (I need to go to the hospital.!!!)

    Alliana: -about to die of laughter-
  3. (I'm using my brothers inhaler!!!)
  4. Julia: *steps up on a steps tool and slaps amanda and screams in her ear* MAKE OUT WITH DRAKE NOW!
  5. (oh god please stop it!!!)
  6. (just kill me now I don't wanna died like this)
  7. (I'll call the ambulance)
  8. (I need my sisters inhaler.......)

    Alliana: -everything starts going dark-
  9. (oh jeez I think my appendix just burst)
  10. Amanda:picks up Julia and carries her out to where all the zombies are.-
  11. Julia: *clings onto Amanda while screaming in her ear* MAKE OUT WITH DRAKE!
  12. Amanda:-stops and ties Julia to a tree- Have fun! -walks away.-
  13. Julia: *slips out of the rope and runs after amanda and chants* MAKE OUT WITH DRAKE! MAKE OUT WITH DRAKE!

  14. Alliana: -wiping her tears-

    (I can't...I just can't...)
  15. (no I'm to busy doing spit takes-

    Lily:-gets up to go to a hospital cause thinks appendix has burst-
  16. Blake: MAKE OUT WITH DRAKE-burst out laughing-
  17. (oh god please stop. I'm to young to died.)
  18. ( I think i'm gonna go and update Escape..... Bye!)
  19. (Blake is the only one chanting )
  20. (I'm only 2 years younger than a certain age that has to be I'm too young to die!!!!!)
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