Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Lily:-falls to the ground burning herself in the fire but laughing cause heard what Julia said-
  2. (I love Julia...)

    Alliana: -sitting down-
  3. Blake: -falls on the ground tire from training a lot-
  4. Rose: -sits next to Alliana- Hello
  5. Drake blue: *wipes his eyes

    Julia: *slaps him again* NOW MISTER! *kicks him to get him moving
  6. Alliana: -looks at Rose- Hi..?
  7. (Lol can Julia be my little sisterShe is adorable)
  8. (Name:Victoria
    Age: Same as Amanda
    Type: Vampire
    Personality: Almost the exact same personality as Amanda but is a little more crazy.)
  9. Rose: Whatca doing?
  10. Zane: your gonna destroy yourself if you train non stop

    Blake: hehe
  11. (YES!!!)
  12. Julia: *makes Drake go to Amanda's door

    Drake blue: *knocks
  13. (Julia should be like my little best friend. )

    Alliana: Um. Eavesdropping on people I guess.
  14. Amanda:-gets up and walks to her tombstone.-

    Puddle:-asleep on her bed-
  15. Amanda:-opens her door- ?
  16. Blake: -gets up and walks to cabin letting his weight fall on the trees-
  17. Rose: Oh. Peace. -Walks off- JULIA!!! WHY ARE YOU TORMENTING THE POOR KID!!!
  18. Julia: *screams at Drake* READ RHE POEM

    Drake blue: *mumbles the love poem he wrote about her then teleports away

    Julia: *facepalm* *she walks up to amanda* Drake blue likes you do date him before I whip you and bite your zombie in half!
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