Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Dante: -training with Blake and the others-
  2. Dawn: Sure…

    (ikr I hate the update)
  3. Lily:-looks at jack with raised eyebrows while levitatin herself-
  4. (I liked it at first but not anymore)
    Blake: -starts training with Kane on defense-

    Dante: -training with Hunter an Zane-
  5. Jack: -sees lily- hey lil
  6. (I'm fine with everything except the huge stupid blue bar)
  7. (that's the part I really hate, why is it there?!?!)
    Lily:-waves to him muttering the spell under her breath-
  8. (what blue bar )
  9. Jack: -walks over- nice floating
  10. Lily:-looks up an falls to the ground- ow you made me lose my concentration, and yea thnx I think.
  11. (On the top, above where it says the subject, there's a big blue space)
  12. Jack: get up -holds hand out-
  13. (oh )
    Blake: -keeps on training-
  14. (it bothers me!!!)

    Dawn: -meditates-
  15. Lily:-takes his hand-
  16. Blake: -jumps into the sky and keeps on training-
  17. Jack: -pulls up-
  18. Lily:-stands up- thanks.
  19. Jack: no problem, cya ya -turns to leave-
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