Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Lily:-goes to cabin and changes into a dress-
  2. Sammi: -catches up with him and slaps him again, leaving a red mark-
  3. ( I've always wanted to do that)
  4. Jack: -falls and rubs face laughing- never trust me!
  5. Sammi: -kicks him in the balls then goes to her cabin to change her shirt-
  6. Jack: -laughs still- so overreactive
  7. Dante: -in his cabin-
  8. Sammi: -changes her shirt and walks outside again-
  9. Lily:-twirls in front of a mirror looking at how good she looks- 
  10. Kane: Dante time to go train

    Dante: I know-grabs sword and leaves with Kane-
  11. Jack: -stands and walks away-
  12. Drake blue: *sobbing then morphs into Drake yellow*

    Drake yellow: where's the casino I have some suckers to cheat
  13. Dawn: -meditates-

    Sammi: -walks around with Selynn-

    Angela: -sits under a tree with Alyssa and Allie-
  14. Dawn: -stops- There is no casino. You changed again, didn't you?
  15. Jack: -walks around- wonder where blake's girlfriend is
  16. Lily:-walks out of cabin and sits on the grass-

    Charlie:-I'm trees-

    Alex:-walking around
  17. (you can't even see what your writin when you get to the bottom of the page are you kidding me)
  18. Drake yellow: I'm drake I don't change *gets his staff which now has yellow runes
  19. Lily:-working on a levitating spell-
  20. Jack: -keeps walking around-
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