Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Drake yellow: *teleports back to camp and morphs into Drake purple

    (Drake purple-total jackass 'nuff said)
  2. Dawn: -watches Drake-
  3. Lily:-sitting in the cafeteria-
  4. Jack: come on I'm serious
  5. Blake: hmm-looks at the sky-
  6. Sammi: -laughs- What are you planning to do with those berries, then?
  7. Drake purple: *walks up to dawn and kisses her then slaps her and teleports away
  8. Jack: throw them at a tree
  9. Dawn: -teleports after him and throws him into a tree- Don't.
  10. Sammi: Fine. High five me then.
  11. Jack: -high fives and smears berries on her back secretly-
  12. Amanda:-sitting on a tombstone.-
  13. Drake purple: *had morphed into Drake blue

    Drake blue: *breaks down into tears* why do girls always hit me?
  14. Lily:-walks outside-

    Alex:-laughing a little at jacks pranks-
  15. Dawn: Oh. You changed.

    Sammi: -feels berries and glares at him- JACK!!
  16. Amanda:-takes out an old book and reads it quietly.-
  17. Jack: -runs away laughing-
  18. Blake: -still looking at the sky-
  19. Sammi: -runs after him and slaps him- JACK!!!
  20. Jack: -stumbles but keeps running-
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