Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. (dont be so quick to denyJk)
    Jack: yea but I want to apologize
  2. (I'm not a weirdo or a pervert -.- IM PEDO BEAR!

    Do you know the best thing about twenty three year olds?

  3. Drake red: *launches a bolt of lightning at a cabin blowing it up and burning what little is left of it
  4. Sammi: -sighs- Are you going to pull a prank on me?

    Dawn: Hm, should I stop him?
  6. Jack: nope, just a high five
  7. Sammi: There's something on your hand, isn't there?
  8. Jack: -holds up left hand- see
  9. Alliana: -walking around, whistling a sad tune-

    Elizabeth and Rebecca: -playing cards-
  10. Drake: *continues to blow up cabins not stopping and destroying the camp
  11. Blake: -sitting beside a tree looking at the sky-
  12. Drake: *kills a camper
  13. Elizabeth: Full house.

    Rebecca: Hmm. -laughs- Straight Flush!

    Alliana: -sits on the bench and closes eyes-
  14. Drake red: *morphs into Drake yellow
  15. Drake yellow: *teleports to a casino and plays blackjack using magic to win and also using magic so no one is suspicious
  16. Logan: *is supposed to be in the same room but the window is broken and there is a note on the bed
  17. (I was feeling random so I put that)
  18. Sammi: Show me your other hand.
  19. Jack: -shows berries- but I'm high fiving with my left
  20. Sammi: I doubt that. -quickly grabs left hand and shakes it- That's good enough.
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