Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Dante: -jumps up catching lily-and I did
  2. (WHO MISSED ME?!?!?)
    Amanda:-walks around.-
  3. Lily:-laughs- now what you gonna do since you got me?
  4. Dante: whatever you want
    (the new update is awesome )
  5. (Hey Amanda)

    A's and S's: -walk around-
  6. (Hey and wha?)
    Amanda:-climbs a tree.-
  7. (this is random but my ex on here is wondering if I'm actually pregnant)

    Lily:-smiles- well one you can help me down do we can go eat -laughs-
  8. Dante: very well-let's lily down-
    (there's an update for pimd and it's awesome )
  9. Lily:thank you, now let's go get something to eat I'm starving -thinks for a second- I think I should put my clothes on.
  10. Dante: umm I think we should put our clothes on
  11. Lily:yea -goes to where her clothes are and puts them on- my clothes are going to be wet -laughs-
  12. Dante: -puts his clothes on-same with mines
  13. Azarah: *yawns*
  14. Lily:come on lets go. -starts running towards camp-
  15. Dante: -follows lily-
  16. Dawn: -meditates-
  17. Rose:-sees Dante and Lily together and sighs- Ahh young love.
  18. Azarah: *pokes a tree*
  19. Lily:-try's to beat Dante to the cafeteria-
  20. Azarah: *climbs the tree*
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