Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Blake: how about I tell you a little secret about your mom
  2. Jack: how about I already know!
  3. Blake: -laugh-you found a way to cure yourself from becoming one like us when in reality you were born with different blood way different from those of humans
  4. Jack: I don't care, I'm human so I'm good.
  5. Blake: -lets Jack down-actually 2/3 human-disappears-
  6. Jack: -hits the ground- always a new drama with him
  7. Lily:-floating in the water-
  8. Dante: not really I forced Kane into biting me then making people think I'm dead

    Blake: Dawn you know what he is right?
  9. Jack: -stands and brushes off- at least I'm back at camp
  10. Dawn: -nods creepily-
  11. Lily:eek:h I didn't know you wanted to be a vampire.
  12. Dante: I didn't but it was the only way to get out of my misery

    Blake: 1 more year until it fully controls him and unlike other his blood is gonna make him lose his humanity
  13. Jack: -walks around-
  14. Lily:are you happy now?
  15. Dante: yeah of course I have true friends now
  16. Jack: -walks to cafeteria-
  17. Lily:-smiles- thats great! -goes underwater and swims-
  18. Kane,Zane and Hunter: -in cafeteria-

    Dante: yep

    Kane: -watches Jack-
  19. Lily:-comes up out of the water behind Dante-
  20. Jack: -rolls eyes and mutters- bloodsuckers
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