Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Jack: well technically I would have made it -laughs nervously-
  2. Blake: no you wouldn't have because the magic around that camp would have caught you

    Dante: so tell me more about yourself
  3. Jack: but I would have saved the day heroically, so if you don't mind I will take thank you's in the form of cash
  4. Blake: that crystal is formed of vampire blood you ass hole meaning it wouldn't have worked without me being there
  5. Jack: your really upset about your girlfriend almost dying huh?
  6. Lily:well I'm 16 the witches and warlocks leader, my parents hate me, I have close to none friends and I never had a boyfriend before.
  7. Blake: -punches tree-She isn't my girlfriend she is the princess of the vampire and I have to make sure she is alive to become the queen of the vampires
  8. Jack: so it wouldnt have been funny if she died?
  9. Blake: how would you have felt if that was your sister

    Dante: well I was 18 when I was turned into a vampire,was beaten up by everyone including my parents and never had a normal life
  10. Jack: indifferent
  11. Blake: your just pathetic if I have to actually call someone a freak in this camp you would be the freak
  12. Jack: and why am I pathetic? What makes you better then me!?!
  13. Lily:so we are kinda alike.
  14. Blake: you call us freak but at least we care about one another and protect each when you only care about your stupid pranks and You take everything as a joke if you were a vampire like me you would understand the pain we suffer
  15. Jack: I don't care about anyone because I don't have that option anymore
  16. Blake: you have an option but your just too blind to see it

    Dante: I guess we are
  17. Jack: maybe your just not understanding me, listen to what I'm saying and it makes sense
  18. Lily:-swims a little closer to him- so did you run away from home?
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