ċȏѧʟıṭıȏṅ ѧɢѧıṅṡṭ ṭһє Ԁıṡċяıṃıṅѧṭıȏṅ ȏғ ċһıɞıṡ ѧṅԀ ɞєṅṭȏṡ!

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by _-_QueenBree_-_, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. Im still collecting them... thats all that comes out of older hunt boxes.
  2. Being discontinued means that supply ceases to increase, it does not make something rarer, it holds its rarity still.

    What makes something "rare" is that it has a lower supply than something else.

    Discontinued items that can still combine often decrease in their availability and can increase in rarity.

    Rarity isn't a status. So no... discontinued items are not automatically rare. They just tend to be rarer than items that are still available to be earnt.
  3. I ask myself this question every time I see a bento sell for 2mcs+
  4. The stats are not the inside...

    But bentos are by far the most common 500kcs items on game and should be worth less than other items if not for their popularity.

    Value is supply*demand and even if the demand doesn't make much sense, it just has to exist.
  5. Font yikes. Players decision though.
  6. Send me unwanted maeve bentos. Kty
  7. regardless of the person who quoted me, i have 21 maeve, 4 alf, 5 pep, and ZERO launch or tempura bentos... ? i’d benefit greatly from adjusting the value/demand

  8. Support! I think that peps should have as much value as chibis though. #chibilivesmatter
  9. Like Kefo has already stated, the drop rates for the bentos differ, so making them the same value wouldn’t be a good choice.
  10. i didn’t say i wanted the values to change, i said i would benefit from it if i did. thanks for pointing out something that i already knew and read, though :) lmao
    the market will change if that’s what the people want, i don’t see a use in trying to force it ??‍♂️
  11. Or if the pep Bento and chibis are so unwanted, just remove them from spinner. Sick of getting them all the time :-\
  12. Hard support
  13. Btw, you also can still get bento lunch boxes from offers... which are filled with maeve and alf pieces. So def not discontinued 
  15. they’re discontinued in the aspect that you can’t get them for “free” anymore (as drops from boxes)
  16. They come as drops in the old boxes.
  17. That isn't free either tho? You need to buy keys to get them. Khalid is referring to being able to get them even from lite boxes, which are free.
  18. If you hate peps so much send them my way I think they are cute