Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Sonia: Here dollface *holds him out to her*
  2. Jennifer: *holds karkat* :33 Aww!
  3. Sonia: He's being so presh~ it's so unlike him *laughs*
  4. Jennifer: He's so adorable! ^^
  5. Arktum Harikana


    Normal: [​IMG]
    Character: [​IMG]


    He grew up Atlanta, Georgia. He has already graduated highschool and is know a junior in high school.

    Personal: TBR

    Extra: tattoo of a cross.on his shoulders.

    (Workin on his monster
  6. Zeus

    Shouts to Kirsten. "So, should I be trying to save you right about now?"
  7. Sonia: *patting the cats head* be good karkitty
  8. Jennifer: :33 Aren't you just Adorabubble~
  9. Arktum: come if u wish
  10. Zeus

    Grimaces at him. "I think I'll pass, thanks."
  11. Arktum (ae): watever
  12. Colin: -gets up and leaves the bunker to find all the others and texts Kirsten-
    *what happened to you do you trust me I need to know if I should bother trying to help or not if you don't trust me I'm gone you'll never hear from me again
  13. Sonia: *laughs* He can be when he really wants to
  14. Jennifer: Otherwise, is he a pain in the butt? *pets Karkat, making cat noises*