Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Zeus

    He sits down besides one of the tents.
  2. -hugs her back-
    It's okay, I guess.
  3. And I've never had someone hug me before?
  4. Kirsten: "Are you sure you're alright guarding, or do you want to switch with me at some point?"
  5. Terri: Looks around and grabs supplies, stuffing them in her bag as she pulls out school supplies.
  6. Jack:

    "I got a knife, that's about it." He mutters.
  7. Zeus

    Looks at Rhyan. "I'm glad you're back, sport."
  8. Jack you can't, we will just save it for the demons!
    Thanks I guess Zeus.
    Lemme stay guard, you guys rest please.
  9. Kirsten: "Only if your sure." She starts putting up a tent, her glasses occasionally slipping off her face.
  10. Jack:

    "I'll guard, those burgers are making me good."
  11. Zeus

    He looks at Kirsten. "Do you want some help?"
  12. Ill stay with you jack
    -puts the arrows on my back and raise my bow ready to attack-
  13. Kirsten: She turns to Colin. "Bring anything for me? Or maybe you didn't bother because I'm 'only a girl'."
  14. Jack:

    "Okay then." Slowly begins to walk to the edge of the woods.
  15. Ash: - climbs a tree near the tent and sits down and continues to sharpens the branch-
  16. Kirsten: "Yeah, Zeus, I've no idea how to put these up!"
  17. -throws kirstine a shotgun- here keep this.
    -follows jack to the edge of the woods-
  18. Zeus

    He places his headphones around his neck. "I hope you're not being sarcastic," he states as he walks over to Kirsten.
  19. Jack:

    Whispers silently to Rhyan. "Okay, here is the plan..."
  20. Terri: Walks out of the apartment, gripping onto a few books as she looks around. "Where to...?"