Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Colin: here rhyan -tosses him a bow and arrows-
  2. Terri: Spots her apartment complex and walks towards it.
  3. Ash:-stays by the tree-
  4. Thanks collin, you get some sleep ill take guard
  5. Arktum (Æ): ur gonna be lost!
  6. Colin: I'm not sleeping I'm keeping watch rhyan
  7. Jack:

    "Your friends seem like assho*les." He whispers to Rhyan.
  8. Ash:i rather be lost then uninformed!
  9. -whispers back-
    They ain't my friends, I was prepared to take my life for them earlier and when the demon dropped me, none of them bothered helping me, I'm just too nice so I thought I might as well let them rest and look after them.
  10. Colin: rhyan I was berserk at the time I had tunnel vision we are friends but we were focused on the threat
  11. Arktum (Æ): good.luck finding food -exits forest-
  12. Jack:

    "Don't worry, I got ideas." He whispers to him wearing an evil grin.
  13. Okay Collin.
    -smiles listening to jacks plans-
  14. (is scott still surrounded by the demons 0.0?)
  15. Colin: -draws his revolver and points it at jack- you try anything and I swear to good ill shoot you
  16. (He whispered, unless suddenly you want to add supersonic hearing to your profile.)
  17. Terri: Opens her door and takes a step in, looking around. "And it's normal." Shakes her head and continues to walk in, setting her bag on a chair.
  18. Ash:Bye! -pulls out my hidden knife and sharpens a branch while walking toward Jack and sitting near the groups camp -
  19. Kirsten: "Rhyan!" She hugs him. "Sorry about rejecting your hug earlier, my skin was still too hot." She smiles at him then sits on the forest floor, leaning against a tree.