Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Haha I got some burgers right here if you wantV
  2. Jack:

    "Really?" He ask, hungry.
  3. -passes jack 2 chicken burgers and fries-
  4. Jack:

    Begins to eat quickly. "Where did you get these?"
  5. Kirsten: She looks at Colin, then sits beside him. "Hey."
  6. I'm not from here.. But I own a food store.
  7. Zeus

    He sits on a small rock, cradling the pistol.
  8. Jack:

    "Where you from?" He says, slowing down.
  9. Arktum: -sits quietly-
  10. Ash:-climbs a trees and sits on a branch hidden in the leaves-
  11. Arktum: -takes out a picture of me and my parents- i miss them...
  12. Kirsten: "OK then."
  13. Just like a couple if yards away from here, I can show you if you wanna see?
  14. Colin: I've done some thinking and I realize that I love you Kirsten I know I'm not the best guy but I've been working on my temper is really like to get to know you better because I think your a really cool girl
  15. Kirsten: "Oh. Well then. Thanks."
  16. (Is should be I'd stupid autocorrect)
  17. Zeus

    Scoffs. "No, surprise there.." He looks around, hoping they didn't hear him.
  18. Jack:

    "Maybe uh... Later." He says awkwardly.
  19. Colin: so Kirsten will you give me a chance?