Alter ego Looks at them whilst adjusting his bow tie. "Gentlemen, I believe that your orange-haired squeze just left..."
Alter ego "And she was beautiful...." He slides across to Ash. "Lets not be pulling faces now, as we don't want to get off on the front foot, would we?" He takes off two novelty feet and switches them around. "Tah-Dah!" he says sarcastically.
Ash: Ha-Ha i know what to call you now! -snaps my fingers- Annoying -Turns around and walks to a corner-
Alter Ego "Well, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you have enjoyed today's entertainment!" He leaves before they notice.
Alter ego He tries looking through Zeus' memories. "That's the orange-haired squeeze!" He adjusts his bow tie one more time.
Jack: Jumps down from the tree, it snapping behind him as he falls. "Gah!" He yelps as he hits the groud.