Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Zeus

    He edges across the room, trying to keep out of what is going on.
  2. ((Your character is something else, huh?))
    Sonia: *drinking hot kool-aid* haha...Problem Sleuth..
  3. Colin: -finishes of the demon with one last punch for good measure then turns and runs in zues direction-
  4. (I said he was strong he's strong)
  5. Stella: -closes my eyes, feeling my AE resurface, opening my eyes to see nothing, blinded by my lust for danger-
  6. ((Not talking about your character.))
  7. Colin: -punches the wall behind zues breaking though it-
  8. (Me kira?)
    Oh thanks -looks down-
  9. (( bai bby <3 *squish* ))
  10. ((Ugh forget it, DOLLLLLLFACCCEEE~ <3))
  11. Zeus

    "I think this is the point where I should be running!"
  12. Colin: -turns an runs at another demon grabbing its head and smashing it off the ground-
  13. (Whats happening? o_O)
  14. (My guys gone berserk
  15. Kirsten: She comes out from under the desk and tries to bolt across the classroom, climbing over desks where necessary.
  16. ((Aka. Utter bullshit is happening my dear.))
  17. (( *mega squishies* e.e don't make me kick ass children-))
  18. Colin: -starts to calm down after smashing the demons and realizes what's going on- oh my god I've got to get out of here -turns and bolts for the door and sees Kirsten and signals for her to follow him-
  19. Kirsten: She slows down slightly and follows Colin out of the room.
  20. (XD)

    Ash: -Hides in the library-