¡Party a la Playa!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. Some side stories focus on stat items, others on avatars. You can choose which you want to do based on what you'd like to focus on!

    It is not. STORY TIME.

    Maybe there is... Maybe not.

  2. Damn, 4 questions at once.
  3. Lmao
  4. Question : why is the complete 2 parties expire in 1hr.
  5. So the one that asks us to complete parties within a set time, is the one that gives stats items?
  6. :lol: i did say they were ugly nor beautiful and i never said i liked feet.
  7. Betty Davis ..eyes 
  8. Ughhhh I need this furniture
  10. So observant 
  11. Challenge? Or for the lols and hahas
  12. The timer actually restarts once it's up
  13. Thanks?
  14. Where are the leaderboard rewards for top 10/100 tequila located?
  15. Patience...
  16. If we have to choose between two stories we should be able to see beforehand what the rewards are for each, doesn't make sense to not release that info. Impossible to actually know which one you want to go for.
  17. That's where teamwork comes in, work together to find out what the stuff is.
  18. No, that's a Challenge! Challenges are a separate thing from Side Stories and reward Party Medals, which you can collect to place on the Challenges Leaderboard.

    You do need to complete 1 Challenge in order to get your Story Token. You can then use this Story Token to choose your Side Story in the Store. :)

    You'll get a phone call once you've made some progress in the Main Story. :)
  19. I for one am burned out from these hunts. Bye
  20. At least you aren't cold anymore