¡Party a la Playa!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. Lol again, no break but the avis are good
  2. What's the difference between the side stories ???
  3. ATA: *releases POC avis*
    Half of y'all: Ew the new avis are so ugly

  5. awesome hunt
  6. Can't we see the Avis each side story drops
  7. i love the Furnitures. <3
  8. Wow i wabt every furniture from this hunt
  9. Girl is as ugly as can be. Guy is always better looking. I hope this isn't the only girl ava or stat items is all I'm gonna do.
  10. ATA should make it where furniture can be earned thru hunts too
  11. are there low or hard side stories? ?
  12. Ata: finally releases POC avis.
    People: "ew her toes are so ugly!"

    Like idgi. People complain just to complain. Annoying af, not like anyones gonna see her toes once "equipped"
  13. LOFL!