Separate names with a comma.
Hmmmmmmmm My first kiss?? I don't remember but I sure know that my kiss always ends up 15 min smooch. First comes seduce than smooch. I'm a good...
Re: [CONTEST] Design Your Own Avatars! Ape you're reported ?
Re: [CONTEST] Design Your Own Avatars! Omg stop Gonna report this Thread for Spam
Re: [CONTEST] Design Your Own Avatars! I try to help Her ? I have trieddddddddddddd ? Oh ? Hey James ?
Re: [CONTEST] Design Your Own Avatars! That drawing reminds me of Someone ): I try to help But She keep rejecting So what can I do??
Yup he is right.... Somebody call chill plz...
Ooooohh I look like just like Harry Potter ? Goddam Hollywood I'm comingggggggg \(◎o◎)/
Lol nice (^o^;
Nothing personal just trying to take care of friend of friends
Nvm I got de answer.....
He didn't even Lol Now that's a Challenge Chiibee Gooooooooooo Complete your quest
Your welcome & Plz don't make me look like a villain (¯―¯٥)
Anddddd someone is still bumping :roll:
I do ? when I'm angry ?
Oooooooooooo hhh ? Rightyy right But I did not hit her ? I DID NOTTTTTTT ? Oh ? Hey James! ?
Is this a Game like "Who am I"? If it is then you're a Drug ? cocaine maybe? ?
But its okay To adjust it rightt? ?
We all know Noob & Noob knows us all Too So it's okay To say stupid things among Friends