Separate names with a comma.
Ryu: -walks over to Makiba- Yo!
Ryu: -Gets up and heads to the kitchen- What's going on?
Ryu: -Runs to the guys room and passes out on a empty bed-
Ryu: -Keeps jogging around the house-
Ryu: -Jogs to the guys bedroom and falls asleep on an empty bed-
Ryu: Yep. Bored. -Goes outside and jogs around the house-
Ryu: Yay food. -Gets up and watches Valilah cook-
Ryu: -Smiles- We cool.
Ryu: Sorry! -crosses my legs and wipes the blood on my sleeve-
Ryu: I should be fine as long as the other two don't come running out her in bikinis.
Ryu: -Sits up- I'm good.
Ryu: -Falls backwards with a bloody nose- Well.
Ryu: Going for? All I know is that I like Summer
Ryu: -Yells from outside- Come on guys! Gonna stay in all day?
Ryu: -Heads outside and sits in the grass- So lovely.
Ryu: -Walks inside and sits on a bed- Yoo
Ryu: Thanks. Jerk.
Ryu: Vacation. And I needed some time away from my empty house. -hugs Valilah-
Ryu: Yo! -jogs up-
Ryu: -walks to the house- Such a nice day.