Separate names with a comma.
Note to self : don't send cris gifts, he'll post ss of messages in forums.
That's uncalled for..
No response to my posts cris? Lovely. I hope you take my advice.
Give them a chance instead of bloody chasing them away. Do you think it makes you look cool reporting and then bragging all the time? Makes you...
Or we could help them understand. When people are being assholes we lose players and forumers. And she isn't being a bad one, she's alright.. So...
It says you bypassed. Doesn't explain what a bypass is
Like I said.. You can explain to them. They have no guidance usually and don't understand why they've been silenced.
You could try explaining the rules to them.. But you get a buzz out of getting people silenced and act like you won the World Cup..
Jopo love you don't suck, you're just my n00b
Trace I love it when you cry so no Bring it Jopo I'll show you who's the boss
People don't get silenced for it but don't use it just in case it all of a sudden becomes silenceable
Bypassing is when you alter a word so it isn't filtered. For example, lets just say MOON is a filtered word, filtered meaning its in stars when...
Why are you still being a dick to her?
Are you not reading right? It got personal when SF was brought in.
It was your beloved monster that said it
Strip farm war...
At first it was protection for a 'friend'. Then it got personal. That's what happened. You don't threaten with sf war and think no one will...
When you've been in sf war or know much details about them you'd see that as a threat. Your opinions are biased by miles. Look at it through a...
Lmao hero I thought u were gonna sf her
Actually this isn't the first time there has been issues with VF and stated in forums. It's happened a few times.