Separate names with a comma.
Lol I preferred the game over the forums but I got perma silenced so now I prefer the forums over game
Glady ur ex boyfriend stole me money so u indirectly owe me all the money he stole
Someone give me money
Ur 8kcs -.- why u no lvl up much
Srry I don't work unless work means eating tacos
Been here 2months after the game started
it's so hard with all these names
Torie stop talking and make the table Glady start cooking and cleaning
0.0 yea ways up I called u a n00b
Give ur humor thread a better title then noob
-.- I'm not funnnnyyyyy So shut up and stop laughing
Glady shut up u give me spelling tips eryday so check urself before u get mest up
:/ why would u title this thread no one understands me and exspect pol to laugh ur quite odd
Shut up kitten boy ur job is never done
shut up Glady laughter us forbidden. For laughing publiclly u get one frying pan to the face
We are honestly wat? Growing in numbers?
Let's discuss the characters already u been procrastinating
Let's pretend like nothing happened Play it cool
Don't offend anyone or they will