Separate names with a comma.
Btw kenny, thnx for the link ! I Guess you missed the old Me huh?
Yeah Savage What's up? What happened between you and Evo?
Try winning an attack kenny
Who is this Savage guy? Tell me his exact Pimd Name
Umm nope I don't know him he's just a troll if you want I can handle him with My alternative account... and no I'm not worried about My money I...
Cool and If I may ask was it Kenny who farmed you Cuz Me and him go back and Well it wasn't pretty dude xD And What's your name?
Hey um evo I was Reading your Convo On cc (Club Chat) and stuff and I was hoping please Don't reset if you need help or anything I got you bro btw...
Thank you!!!
Okay so I'm Permanent Silenced and I need to Inform -Evo- (My tut ) not to resest and if he can contact Me on this forum please it'll mean a lot!...
I wouldn't say Conceded But a I would say a Worthless Tool
No hes not
How many kcs is your main?
Whats your mains name did you get a new name ?
Nice dorm Og :D
Yeah I I'm Currently not buying tutors I'm saving to buy My friend she's 125b
Yeah I have 30b right now I'm making slow money since I'm only doing regular parties and Im not On too much
I Don't even know My pupil lol Ever since I've been silenced people have been hiring Me away from My pupil and I kept growing... before I was...
I mean that's not My official decision that's what I plan so of like you can convince Me to your suggested plan that'd be Great! ;D