Separate names with a comma.
Your tenses >.< I get the sense that you're used to past tense.
When you go into a section (Forum>>Topics>>xyz), there's a button at the top right (on mobile).
Portal. VALVE FTW. <3 /totallynotthirdparty
I have a grudge against anything Utopian.
Utopia* And mankind completely misinterpreted the original Utopia. It literally translates to, "No Place." :|
Pick me :D
Oh, that, and this. I know at KaW we/they tell romantics and hardcore rp'ers to go here. But to be honest, there's a reason for that. You kinda...
THIS. THREAD. NEEDS. TO. LIVE. Anyways. As for the criticism, Hell to the yes. I'm sorry, but it's just freaking annoying when somebody posts...
Yes, I'm aware of that. I suppose I should reword my question. When banking with the ATM, you get 80% back. Does anyone know the percentage you...
Question~ When banking, I'm used to banking in items, because I'm from a different ATA game— does the ATM have more, less, or equal of a loss...
Prices can be anything if a tutor has been dropped, really. Unless you want to calculate the % decrease/day for every price you have listed, and...
I have wanted to use this picture for so long. [img]
… Misty. And her Togepi. And Lugia. And... You know what, never mind... ._.
[img] Yes. I am indeed jelly. Very jelly. Goodbye from a n00b x)
That last paragraph was quite lovely. There's a poetic sense to this, more so than other thing(s) I've read from you. I enjoyed it enough to do...
Plusle* Bad speller is bad speller. <3 <3 <3 <3 Pokemon.
Lime green! Just to see if it works the same in PIMD.
So, I wish I had a chapter so I could have an excuse to post. Alas. I don't have an update (shameful, I know) D: So I'll just address my one...
It's breathing! Thanks for the positive feedback guys. In all honesty, I'd love a bit more criticism. I can take it, I promise (:lol:) On a...
LIVE, THREAD! LIVE! Chapter One-- Of Skimpy Dresses and Makeup Author's note: This part introduces the reader to the wonderful overly...