Separate names with a comma.
[Imgfit] [imgfit]
Nope. :/ Oh well. :P Lol did it work.?
The one who did The Power Puff Girls, they did show a 4th power puff girl. She wore a pruple dress and was tall. She couldn't really talk right,...
Pokemon all the way! In my opinion, the new version sucks. The old one was a lot better.
He Asked Me To Volley His "Alt" To 2 Bil. Lol Epic Fail For Him.
Lol Oh. :P
Oh Lol. I Followed Him But He Never Followed Back.
I Posted That I Don't Care About His Main, Because People Think The Reason Why We Want Him To Unblock Us Is To Find Out His Main, And For Me That...
Well Than Why Respond To Me.? You Could Just Ignore Me. Simple As That. I Was Just Responding To Playmate.
That's What I'm Saying. Everyone Else Types All Ghetto And Spells Words Wrong, And Uses All Caps, But When I Use Capd On Just The First Word, He...
And I Should Care What You Say Why.??
I Really Don't Care About His Main.
Same Here Agail
No I Don't Go Out My Way To Capitalize Every Word. That's Just What I Do... But I'm Not Going To Explain Myself To You.
I Never Went To 10 Colleges. Only One. And It's Shiane'.
I Won't. I Don't Care Who His Main Is. Besides, I Heard, He Was Giving His Victims Their Money Back.
Unblock Me Meanie. I Wanted To Send You A Gift And Talk To You.