Separate names with a comma.
10b is a lot
And that's why there should be good communication between clubs. It all depends on how much attention you pay to the subs.
Wth?? You aren't getting my point. Ugh, you really annoy me sometimes. Not everyone is all about bloody pimd politics. It's time you...
That's why I said we don't need so many.. I didn't say we can only have 1. And that's where sister/brother/sub clubs come into. If you aren't...
I'm hiring Jopo
No Jenni, you and Dan are jumping to conclusions. You aren't listening to what I'm saying. I never said having these clubs are bad. But instead of...
Again, completely missed my point lol helper clubs are good.. But why have 10 when some can combine and there is more help available. Working...
I didn't say unite into one club, but why have so many helper clubs when they can unite and work together? It gets more done. I have been doing...
And you totally missed my point. If we were focused on club rank, we'd be top 20 VIP already.
That's me.
There are quite a few.. You can direct noobs to them clubs and it'll make the clubs stronger by having more helpers instead of helpers spread all...
Or maybe we need more of those clubs uniting? Grow together.
That's what my club does.
Betty how dare you speak against my perfect pupil
Me of course