Separate names with a comma.
Colin: -sends scarlet flying with a roundhouse kick- and you should know that I don't give a damn I look after my kind meaning humans you may...
Colin: -pulls scarlet in to him and throws her to the side- I told you not to touch snow -walks over to snow- if you want to be safe and not cause...
Laguna: man they really need to spend a little more father son time together
Colin: -throws his spear at scarlet and impales her lower body- GET OVER HERE! -yanks on the rope-
Tidus: I'm gonna beat you today -jumps at jecht- Jecht: stupid kid -headbutts tidus- Laguna: -quietly slips away-
Colin: -looks at Lilith- have you ever watched helpless as someone you loved was killed before your eyes because if you haven't then you will...
(No worries they will get split up and they should all journey)
Colin: -steps up behind Lilith- I wish to find snow so that I can help her you may think I'm heartless but that doesn't mean I am maybe if you'd...
Colin: -looks at Isabella- well if you get lost in it you'll eventually learn why it's called that now I have to go find snow -turns and heads...
Laguna: -looks at jecht then at tidus- do you two know each other Tidus: yeah he's my old man and I hate him Jecht: what was that I can't hear...
Laguna: what the heck is going on here? Tidus: -walks up next to Laguna- whatever it is its not good and it's about to get worse I can feel it...
Colin: servant means I can't force you to do things that are dangerous to your health you have the right to refuse unsafe work the right to time...
Colin: because the rest of your family is missing so you shall serve me not as a slave but as a servant which means you still have rights Sam
Tidus 17 Swords Star blitz ball player for the zanarkand Abe's hates his father with a passion [img]
(Imma make tidus as well)
Colin: -looks at Lilith and grins evilly- I didn't say what killed my family all I said was it was Sam's family that did it I thought it was the...
Colin: -sees Isabella- you are in the labyrinth of the beast
(What's so funny that's actually jecht now is either aeon form or he looks human in fayth form)
-turns and heads for the labyrinth of the beast-
[img] (See this is him now not human)