Separate names with a comma.
Lol you still mad nub?
What's with the colours?
They should make an avatar of that Donna chick, I'd hunt for her
Ah, I see It's kinda cool isn't it
Looking at all those forums posts that you've made, you've seem to have wasted months if not years reading/replying to crap Isn't it a little late...
22 mins to code that Impressive
Maybe a friend from that club asked him to make a thread asking people to join? Why's everyone always so quick to judge
What she said ^
Pmub Mub Ub B Bu Bum Bump I see what you did there..
1, sorry Shouldn't it be 'sorry'
What she said ^ I've gotten quite a lot from doing jobs too, but if you run out of them you can buy more if you click on your cash at the home...
This is Spud He's a little different but he's an awesome dog Or whatever the...
There's no cake there What're you on about fat kid?
Lies You rejected me
Too poor to send So whoever is next send to me and her ^ please, thanks