Separate names with a comma.
Hahaha woah it's twins! What r u singin???
Yesterday I was texting my friend and said "Yo I'm here" well really I forgot to hit H and it auto corrected to "yo I'm erected" I sent it by...
Thanks guys!!! I gotta go snowboard now but I'll give you another memory once I get back!!!
Why don't you hold them on your forearm? Like balance them on your forewarm and cup their head lol
What's those lurker eyes for?
Hola gurly!! Missed u boo!
I meant you freak yourself out on all this paranormal stuff that once anything out of the norm happens light a faulty light bulb you automatically...
Esta mucho tiempo :( y tu? Did I say that right?!
I think you just notice more things out of line when you are spooked and you try and explain it using what you were most recently talking about,...
Wow these are amazing stories, also I know for a fact it isn't the slendermen, for one he has souless black eyes, And Yellow eyes doesn't respond...
Hey everyone :) good morning!! How's all my bros doin?
Someone doesn't read messages :P
Seeing the paranormal
Has your brother shared stuff about that day with you or drawn pictures of the things he say?
Nothing really happened for awhile till we moved to North Carolina. We lived up in the Appalachians and I had been making friends pretty well...
Should I share all my stories in chronological order?
Aw damn hahaha we should find a new thread lol or make one
Possessed how?!
Wow that's so crazy! Did you start keeping a dream diary?