Separate names with a comma.
Keep writing you have talent!
-^•^- new reader! Love your story, it captures my attention. I would love to read more of it. (it should be a book) Want to know what would be...
Thanks okay.
This is my first story. Let me know if you like it, and if I should continue.
Darkness masks the light of the moon tonight, the air seems chilly and I can't help but notice someone following me. Maybe I'm just being paranoid...
My name is Experiment 3208, I live on planet Valicore 201. My protectors were exiled 5110 days after my existence. My protectors, would be what...
You are a cupcake!!! She is a cookie!!! He is a gingerbread-man!!! We are yummy treats!!! The rest are teddy grams!!! -You Will be eaten by the...
Chelsea- talkative but once you get to know her she is quiet. Smart, plays wonderful pranks. Lol
Write some poetry, speak from your soul. RULES: -be creative -keep writing whenever you please. So enter poems more then once. -have fun! AT...
Lilac- spontaneous, undetermined, bubbly person, wild, loco a bit but calm, dark and mysterious, funny but sensitive. Sweet, but mean. :P I dunno...
:P Vampursila! - wants to kill arealz she can't go into the water though. Arealz-is a vampire eating mermaid that falls in love with a guy named...
lovely very lovely i hope they get it all right anyone listen to mocking jay dot net? The pod cast its like to my just love it
Okay, have you checked out the video on YouTube...HUNGER GAMES: KATNISS
Katniss did cover Rue with flowers in the book and sang the llulaby, I'd have to say that clip would be great in the movie but it's also a sad...
That is if anyone has any imput on it
Awesome, which brings me to,"what's your favorite clip of all time, that you'd like to see in the movie?"
Me too. Which brings me to "what's your favorite book of the three?"
DX they at least could put out an official trailer!
Me too but that's freaking a long time from now! Ahhhgzzzz D:
That's amazing!