Separate names with a comma.
Thanks hun
That's weird
Oh it was just a random story
hope you guys enjoy
Yes Yes i have seen a couple of threads about homeless people not saying its funny to be that way but their are some really funny stories so...
Don't you remember the good ole days the great cartoons you used to watch when you came home from school they have RE-MAKES which suck...
Nvm it's starred for some reason but yea that movie !
Wth *Kumare >.<
Wait cal the whitecastle as in Harold and Kumar ?
some might be unhealthy but not GROSS subway is okay
okay ..
(/\ . (/\)
Whoa creepy name demon and 666 I used to ride a bus in hs the bus # was 666 creepy right
And yes wifi ..and refills the best -_-
-_- now I don't like their fries ..I'll stay with tofu ..or subway
silence comes your way ..RUN !!
well YUM Jk