Separate names with a comma.
Snow: Its not my fault that I'm human and I bleed -looks down- I'm sorry that I've made your brother snap
So your not writing it okay but good book I guess
Snow: I was answering Lilith's question I know you know your brother nearly tried to bite me too
( I can't really come I'm a servant sorry)
Scarlet: don't lie to a demon and work on your glare -smiles- Do you wish for help? I shall ask for a favor but I shall also not kill you in your...
Oh a mermaid and siren do I smell enimes yes I do hehe
Snow:looks up at Will and shys away holding lilths cloth to my neck- Scarlet bit me Scarlet: Slayer huh? Well keep your slaying to yourself okay
Snow: impressive for a squirel -laughs-
Omg creepy angels
Scarlet:-tilts my head- bow why is that?
Okay for the holidays I guess I'll do a story for y'all but I want to make it clear now that this has nothing to do with the real story lol enjoy...
Scarlet:-wings duffel excited- doesn't look like a scratch, nope too much blood breaths in- you know I'm a demon right? A fallen angel and I fell...
Scarlet: so Sam what are you?
Snow:-chants- lift her lift her lift her -laughs-
Scarlet:-licks my lips- are you in pain little angel? Did he cause your pain? -circles you grinning-
Update: Aliza's P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The house was big. Greatly, terribly, amazingly big. Aliza hopped out of the big car and started down the...
Snow: why? You just met Lilith
I love it so sweet