Separate names with a comma.
Or unicorns. Don't forget the unicorns.
Ruby's right. We could totally start a revolution.
Agreed, if it weren't for the friends I have on here I probably wouldn't still be playing this game.?
I remember in my first club, my friend and I were talking about a burping contest or something in cc, (Don't judge, it was two years ago)and...
I have about two close friends on here. I never talk to anyone else really
YESSHHH VIOLENT DEATH!!?? *cough* I mean... oh no my character dieeed.
GIRL, YOU LOVE HARRY TOO.??????????????????? WE SHOULD TOTALLY BE FRIENDS. *cough* I mean... whaaaaaaat?
When I first started I never did wars or anything, just messed around with my "clique" Ahhh, the good old days.
I first joined back in 2011, and I remember the first club I was in called "Silence of Fire" I actually have no idea why I joined a club with such...
I get to play Kingdom Hearts with Smile Cat! Sounds like... Fun.
I like Spit, he's funny. And there's other players who are far more annoying. *coughflirtcough* *hiccup* GOD DAMMIT I GOT THE HICCUPS.
I vote myself.
Dat face doe
I like it! These creatures seem different from the typical zombies or "infected"?
I love it!? Your writing was great, and the plot seems cool so far.? UPDATE NAOOOO
Thank yuuuuu! Hope you guys don't get too drunk tonight. Wouldn't want anyone to do anything stupid got it?
Scuuuuse me? Σ(゚д゚lll)
Oooooh, scary stories.?