Separate names with a comma.
You don't lose it per say... After they closed GaW you could pick which ata game you wanted a starter package in with DNS, dorms unlocked ... Only...
But it doesn't have to be a waste of time and money if ur making money
Not saying that but the amount of time needed to take money while only hitting on their regen is crazy... It would take forever... You'll get...
Im glad I got haters... It fuels me but instead of snippy comments try to prove bass wrong? If im wrong show me the way?
So object is to stop growing with ur opponent? Honestly? Yeah don't think I like that... How about in Pimd I just keep growing while stopping...
Actually no I didn't stay sp... As you can see my bars that is from sfw I made over 400 bil on that sfw and ug mini all t6 Lv 1 he ug 1mcs...
Don't forget to take into account plunder laws of being half the size of said fight build.. But op if you would like to hit bass to see how much...
Don't forget pots play a big part in UR payout too... So with cow builds most go passive on cow side...
Nope but still good for stat boost award
I could also upload ss of being top plunderer in rico wedding war during sfw if you'd like... All my conclusions have came by way of trial and...
And im not saying if fight is a option I won't take it but most so much bigger I have to use build to compete...
And we both know in a sfw that isn't the case weren't you in my last thread while I was in sfw?
Example im farming a 7 mcs... At this size.... Im like 3.5 mcs or something... The farm is 6mcs fight and 1 mcs dance ... With my build what would...
That picture is way you never only fight it will after three regens give me the upper hand if not pranked or danced
There's ways to reset regen time... I.e. Sp... Or to seperate UR bars, there's a lot of factors to the game...
Way too big but look at my bars... Im fight heavy mixed build... How is he gonna get more hits/plunder than i? Bars have split I can keep my Intel...
Anyone that will show me how to upload a pic or give me bb code it would be appreciated... Pm me wall me post here? I want to show this ss...
If anyone knows how to bb code a ss or will show me how it would be greatly appreciated... Just want to upload 1 ss...
Lol you know these terms can from ata games like GaW where farming was all you had to grow... No parties... I know what it means ... Lol and...