Separate names with a comma.
Name: Jess Look: Curly, fiery red hair. Bright forest green eyes. Tall. Thin. Long eyelashes. Strong legs and flat stomach. Personality: Wild,...
Step up to the plate Give it a shot Trying to beat my rhyming My beats are hot This means I win right? Cause the rest of you aren't even puttin up...
I can't beat you? Son, that's wack. What you been smokin? A little bit o' crack? Shut your mouth or Ill shut it for you Dont try to bite off more...
Thanx <3
Don't try to intimidate me Cause baby your just entertaining me Your rhymes suck, mine don't, am I the only one who gives a fuck? So take a few...
Lol Guy y'all are awesome! Remember, what's happens in the rap battle, is not personal, just part of the effort
You got a problem? Go take it out on a tree Cause baby, don't think you can handle me. People know not to mess around when they see my name Just...
Step Back Boys and Girls The Queen is Here Go ahead. Back off. Fear the vear. You don't know who ya playin Your rhymes are wack Head on home...
:roll: Just kidding! I love this!! :mrgreen: ]£$$
Oh btw, FIRST!
Can I be the Queen ^-^
Chickie whatchooh talkin about? Honey, ur better than I'll Eva be!
Is a Liar At the Owner of tho Thread. Fan Fiction is a place for stories, bot stupid threads.
Aww thanx Im back now though ^-^
I know it's serious. I'm effin livin it! The best way forento handle stress is to either get mad or laugh it off and ATM I'm choosing the latter.
:O Im gonna sue them for emotional stress!!!
Constructive Critism babe Heres advice. Dont say 'You turn the corner and see a wall!' Try this. 'I turned the corner, expecting the worst,...
Oh that. This is all happening so... There will be a point in the story where I have to make up becaus eit hasn't happened yet