Separate names with a comma.
Defiantly me wanna know!!!!!!
Thank you oh Ryan voice of reason for asking her this question. I bow down now. _--=_ that's supposed to be someone bowing. :(
: . (
Omg major spellcheck fail meant vas
Why do I have a feeling that lance is a vas guy.
Wow way to out do me Jess thanks. Jk lol
:D :D :D :D :D haha
Lol yerbom! :D :D :D
Lol alright I guess that's ok.
Send it to me too!!
Oh I like the mystery although there's not very much.
What's wrong?
Hey Sophie why are you canceling your stories?
Luka Russet hair that turns red In sunlight. Blue grey eyes that resemble the ocean during a storm. Slim and athletic. She is caring and strong...