Separate names with a comma.
Get dropped or upgrade a helluva lot.
oh my
I don't understand
I'm kiddiiiing
He's been a man for ten years... Wonder what he was like when he was a woman...
I never asked. But Sandy suggested "Hades" in cc because I said I would be "Persephone". No stealing my possible future name
Justin Persephone was my name change idea for ME. Lmao don't change to Hades anytime soon
Good point Epi
Aww Raikor, you'll survive sweetheart
I'm sorry I rustled your jimmies don't forget to smiiiile
He has returned.
^ sad but true
No I don't Wait what? Your jimmies? Raikor I will beat you down
Yes Raikor. You....
oh yeaa I see the resemblance to a duck
^lmao see what I mean? Mr.Alt you're a very strange being
only right now. Be specific
Box eater, did I ask you? No I didn't think so They're legends to me shove off
I understand him I just wonder where his head's at is all.