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P.S. Post on my wall if you want we to continue posting on your wall when I update!!!
Ok, I am being indecisive, as to staying with Ice or going with Cato, so you readers have 12 hours, to give me your opinions!!! Lurkers, if there...
Chapter 6 The dining hall double-doors are huge, mahogany, and heavy, opening one took Ice no effort, but I had tried first and my muscles hurt...
New light unto Voldemort, in a very creepy pedo way. I rlly like this story, BUMP!!!
I just read this through, and its awsome :) I really wanna know more! BUMP!
Sorry for getting lacking on posts, their was a horrible accident and I couldn't make myself type about a school. Please post comments on...
Chapter 5 I woke to a light tapping on my closed cubicle and I opened it, to see Ice and I brake into a smile. "Hey Ice." I said cooly. "I just...
Please continue this is awsome!!!!!!
Omg Bump!
Bump! I fangirled when I saw you use the word confuzzled, I love that word with a passion!
Janel Winters 21 -Charitable -Kind to those in need -Angers quickly when insulted -Passionate about causes she cares for -Pushes away people she...
Chapter 4 He grabbed my hand practically pulled me out of there, I could tell he was excited. For what, I did not know. At first I was blind,...
Working at chapter 4 well c how the school turns out later!!!
Darn, I forgot to write chapter 3, darn I'm bad at that. Oops maybe next time! And, are my posts too long or to short? Sorry this chapter was...
"Ok, shoot." "Well, whats up with this companion business?" He thought for a moment before answering. "Well its more of a partnership, a bond...
Nomnomnom tht was so awsome I forgot about my icecream, now its melted, awsome. BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!