Separate names with a comma.
(Who are you? )
(You didn't even read the rules before you joined? )
(And you are screwing it up. Everyone take a vote. Who here believes that Vip should be kicked off for breaking the riles and misconduct?)
(And you can't handle not being part of the center of attention. The rules state no boss card. Why do you have one? You were told to get rid of...
(Get out. I never said you can use the moon. I said it was unstable and we would have to defeat it. Not for you to use it. Now get out)
(Are you... lying on me?)
Dang sis
(I let you keep the moon card with one exception, you don't use it. Now that you did, get off)
Maybe... I could tell a story
(Gotta go again guys. Rya take over.) Shizuo: "hello Blue."
Shizuo: "hear is an easy way to do it. Think of yourself as the card and you will soon find yourself conversing with the creature. Then you must...
Shizuo: "have you tried to level them up with the soul cards you took?"
(Hahaha. Makes sense.) Shizuo: "like I said... your card is all you need. Have you learned to use them properly yet?"
(My bad guys. Its really supposed to be a z not an x. Shizuo is still unknown to them.)
*Shizuo shrugged* maybe.... lets get you some food before you and the boys take off
Shizuo: "but not as long as Shixuo Sakota."
Shizuo: "this place is where new souls like you appear."
(Mind pming me the rest of this plan?) Shizuo: "welcome to underworld. " (Btw everyone knows Shizuo as Chimera or Chimmy.)