Separate names with a comma.
Alarm clock "People still uses those?" Recorod player "Vintage but mordern twist." Crystals "I charge them by moon light." Succlent "you don't...
Passive aggressive post it note(s) "I'm trying to be nice here."
Energy drink/Energy shot "I only had 5 of these and I feel fine."
Basket of fires and chenken tentnders "The bast bar food you will find."
Avocado toast "Addiction or delicious?"
Root beer float "About to get wasted tonight." Agenda book/planner "I don't have time to use the bathroom." A Cheeto "I was told to eat food...
A root beer float "About to waisted tonight." Graduation cap "This prepared me for nothing." A magic lamp "My first wish is for my student loans...
A PIMD mascot "Show your school spirit."
Sleeping eye mask "My major is sleeping with a minor in naps."
Sunglasses/raybands "Blocking out haters and negative vibes." Kale leaf "Stop kale my vibe."
A pizza pocket "couldn't wait for it to cool off."
A megaphone "We get it you have a cause." A William Shakespeare bust "I don't get it your A English major."
Donut come for me.
A pizza box "One of the major food groups." Lock and key "Please respect my privacy at this time." Shower caddy "Today is Selfcare Sunday please...
A hot plate or a microwave "why is the cafeteria closed it's only 1am" Mini fridge "did my roommate drink my juice?"
ACV shot "Burns just like alcohol." Non-alcoholic beer "Okay, to socially drink with no risk of hangover."
A laundry basket "Reason 101 why i visit home on the weekends." A quarter or a roll of quaters " I have noting else because it's laundry day."...
A Yo mama care package "You broke right now and nut are expensive." A bowl of Mac and cheese or a elbow noodle " Conpaired to you mamas the...
A money tree gift because well duh it's called a money tree.
My gift ideal is bacon because who dose not love bacon. alos, if your vegan the other option to bacon is a tofu gift ideal. Lol.