Separate names with a comma.
Can i create two characters.
Love the story if anyoe wants I've read it and would gladly continue.
Sorry for not posting will post more tomorrow
8 hours later ..... My boyfriend Ash is here. He asks Parker " How is jasmine? Why wasn't she in school today?" " She's fine. She...
Can't no way to get back and forth.
Post more . Wall me when u do
Yes this is about how I've been being bullied for 10 years. Yes I did say 10 years. I am the social outcast at my school I don't have anny...
I honestly don't think he was lying . I'm 14 and. Have been through something I can't get away from. So I would 'be done the same thing.
Appearance: blonde hair down to waist hot pink streaks.Triple preieced ears and diamond stud in her nose. Sliver - blue eyes height 5'5 . Always...
Name: Vanssa Van Togon. Age: 16 Illness: was pronounced has lung cancer ( no one knows how she got it only her and her bf ash.)
I will be posting more later on today.
I'm just start so tell me if I mess up ur comments r important. " Beep, beep,beep" is the sound I hear in the morning coming from my alarm...
Wall me when u update. Need more amazing.
Moreeeeee post on wall when u update.
Post on wall when u post update
Read the story I love it . I defineitly like how it ends. Post more.
Post more read all in 30 minutes need more team Dante.
Post more Bump Bump Bump