Separate names with a comma.
Name: Conner Looks: Black hair, abs Personality: Jealous, is Zoes boyfriend Make up the rest
More Hoe
Omg I love it
Awwwwwww :( I hate bullies.
Lol. Fael.
Can I be in it?
Twilight is bad... Never watched but it's shit according to people I know
My sister was a bitch She was right though lmao She had black hair though xD
Dayyuummm That's a big bull.
Bull xD I'd like one of them
She doesn't secretly
JJ :D Danzo LDV I donts have anymoar
Lol I always am protective xD Ask her :L
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yes :D CheerLeaching
A few minutes later. We marched into Angell-Town, people staring at us as we walked past with our sub machine-guns out. It was normal here but...
Lol I'm irrestitible ;)
I'm pure Badman. Standard. xD
Can I join? Conner Roses boyfriend xD Black hair, almond eyes, 5"10, bareeee abs, Strong willed, mean but I've got a heart in there, tactical.