Separate names with a comma.
It does, or at least when I was twelve. Annoying children, assuming they've changed. As if 5th grade to 6th grade was a marginal improvement god I...
Ah now I see. I'm just the perfectionist type, but that's perfectly fine and I'm totally willing to accept it. Yeah I got it after a second but...
Oh man. I was so confused because I didn't read the thing on the top. About the past stuff, I don't know what time period you're aiming for...
Sorry, I realized she was her aunt like two seconds after I posted it my bad. Also the but of foreshadowing at the end. This must be extremely...
The punctuation thing. I'm sorry but it's a bit bothersome. Otherwise, it's not bad, maybe a little rushed. There's no real reason to care about...
Oh god, caramel skinned. That's probably the biggest complaint I have. Because caramel skinned. Otherwise, I actually enjoy this and hope you be...
the snk. Hmmm perfect child troupe a little outdated, but it works. A little short for character introduction. Maybe the tiniest bit of...
Don't give up man this is actually grammatically sound please, keep me sane.
Oh dear the people on this app. Just because "We never seen you," doesn't mean logic doesn't apply. And grammar. Also it's just basic stuff; some...
Photobucket kind of mutilated it though ._.
Galaxy S III
Very artsy iddnit
Meh. This app. I don't know about addicting, because it's not a drug, for one, and there aren't many withdrawal symptoms other than maybe chronic...
wooooooooooooooooo interviews when can I do mine?
oH well yeah. I just kind of three this together if I care a lot about it I'll usually run it through Roy a couple of times he's my editor basically.
Monologue from legend George Carlin, if anyone is interested in one of the best writers ever, which is what he really was nearer to the end of his...
Or just to get thoughts past without too many words, because I usually think in fragments when examining something, say a tree, I go by word...
It's really true I tend to fragment the more tense the situation is.
I never I never meant it to be like this. Hands shake. Saying dear seems wrong. Who even writes letters anymore. Oh. Hah. Right. I really, I...