Separate names with a comma.
Keep dating. It's cute. Lol
Favorite: Funk (RHCP is <3) also Heavy, Rap Metal and Psychedelic Rock Least fave: KPop, Country
Look Out Curiosity Kills K A T E
Live fast, burn bright.
Thanks for this!
I find it fair somehow.
Somehow, this gave me hope. <3 Thank you for your wonderful story! Congratulations, best wishes! :)
DC fan as well. But both are really good.
Furnis so niiiice <3
DC forevs.
Hi! I'm Kate. I'm a musician. I skate, I'm a booknerd, a make-up enthusiast and I love photography. Lana Del Rey is my forever Queen. :D So yeah.....
Run When Oreo Disappears M Q R H
Hold Them Own Eggs F J S V
Listen to music. Rap metal helps.
There's Nothing In You D K L S
10- More than fabulous.
Let Sam join here C Y T M