Separate names with a comma.
Or spell.
It's over 9000!!
I am not in the comedian business, but even I can laugh at PBM for failing at humor.
So PBM made a mans ass explode? Not too classy, PBM. Not at all.
I hate to tell you but your mom is a man and your dad is gay.
That was almost as bad of a response as "why don't you tell your mom to grow some balls?"
Am I scamming anyone? No. Am I saying it's his choice to do so or not? Yes.
I wasn't kidding when I said I'd buy it if I have 1b and deadmau is still klynns.
Well when I get 1b I'll buy it and drop it on behalf of bun. They'll only be stuck with it for about a year. This game is so slow about making money.
He scammed people into volleying with him and stuck them with the allies and an oh so terrible opportunity to make 50m. He's such an evil person....
Slater I know exactly what's going on, I've seen him do it on the world chat. I'm saying it's not a big deal. Someone buys the tut and that person...
If you look at it this way, bun is helping more than people who use the battle list. When bun sticks a person with a 350m tutor the person with...
I'm not seeing the problem here. All of ATAs games are designed to gain from the loss of other players.
Who's to say bun is messed up? For all we know he could be a 30 year old multimillionaire that made his fortune selling self-help pamphlets.
Not nearly as guilty if it was face to face.
Jace, that's the beauty of this, we can be who we want to be. We aren't restricted by the face to face guilt we may feel if we scammed a person in...
Jace, suicide is self murder. Unless bun actually tells them to do it then he can't be held accountable for it.
Did someone really go as far as to say bun is on the road to making someone commit suicide? I can't respect people that take their own life...