Separate names with a comma.
Colin: move over I'm driving -grabs the wheel and drives off then pulls out his phone and calls Kirsten-
Colin: -grabs the demons arm and tears it off- look who's talking you murderer first you kill my parents and now you destroy my house!
Colin: -grabs the revolver opens the sun roof and shoots the demon in the face-
Colin: rhyan get one of my dads revolvers out of the suitcase now!
Colin: I have to go back in I forgot something -runs back into the house and grabs a photo album of him and his family then runs out and hops in...
Colin: why do you think I suggested the sporting goods store there is a store room that got forgotten about and it has a ton of stuff in it still...
Colin: -throws the stuff in the car then gets in-
Colin: -grabs his dads buster sword and ties three pillows and three sleeping bags to it then heads back to the car-
Colin: -goes up to the house and goes to his room and grabs a suitcase and throws the guns in along with a pillow and a sleeping bag- hmmm maybe I...
Colin: shut up I have to get my fathers sword and guns
Colin: -goes around to the waterfall behind his house and drives through it into his garage-
Colin: -closes the top and pulls out of the parking lot- first things first we are stopping by my place I need to pick somethings up
Colin: get in rhyan -climbs into the car-
Colin: -pops the top of his car open-
Colin: Kirsten we need to meet up later sporting goods store other side of town!
Colin: that's great Zeus but we need a meeting spot so how about the abandoned sporting goods store
Colin: so guys where will we meet up later?
Colin: -walks out to his car- oh man this is going to be a long time -turns to Kirsten and Zeus- hey guys we should set up a meeting spot for...
Colin: and rhyan you try to put a move on me ill punch you in the gut
Colin: mine is 619-676-9666