Separate names with a comma.
What a rude thing to say to a woman ?
American team PapiLovesHisThots 24.4mcs Bloodandbone 23.26mcs I_Josh_Am-King 17.64mcs Eddy 31.41mcs Kazuuuto 16.43mcs Canadian team...
American side please
Amercian side
Canadian side
No definitely not allowed ?
Sorry your stats are to high to participate
Some people may need to be switched depending on stats, we will figure that out shortly! Everyone's name dorm percentage/rs/Tb/misc I have wrote...
Added to list pls lmk if changing name or upgrading ty ?
Nope but you could hold club without participation and help lead if needed!
Already been explained in post above, max plunder (person) that's wins the most throughout war,will win desk/mcs. More mcs will be added to final...
Will be added to list pls lmk if you change name or upgrade!